Thursday, January 6, 2011

exam review

CCD's change light and color into electrical signals

ENG stands for Electric News Gathering

The viewfinder is a really tiny video monitor

Both monitors and

A TV Changes electrical signals into pictures

The electron gun is inside a video monitor

red blue and green are used to make video picture

The microphone picks up the sound and turns it into electrical signals

correct production sequence- treatment, script, storyboard, edit

the actual shooting of the video takes place during the production phase.

the treatment is written early in pre-production

Advertising sponsor is not on the production crew

who is most involved in post production? video editors

Editing happens in the phase called post-production

Music and sound effects are added during the post production phase of the video

The design brief and the treatment are prepared during the pre-production phase

the people who watch the program are the audience

The producer takes care of the budget for a video production

To edit video, the director and editor demodulate the selected scenes

A storyboard is a picture outline created during pre-production of the video

the first person to work on the video is the director

the camera operator puts the scene in the video by framing

long shot = establishing shot

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