Friday, January 7, 2011

chapter 1

what are the primary colors computers mix to create other colors?
red, greenblue (RGB)

what are the primary image types and how do they differ? 
victor and bitmap. vector images are mathematical equations that discribe the shape of an object. bitmap images are a pixel by pixel representation of an image.

colordepth is also refereed to as?
bit dept
what file types are currently supported b netscape navigator and microsoftr internet exploer

chapter 2

what are the main areas of the photoshop workspaces?
the image window, toolbox, palettes, and menu

how is the option bar related to the toolbox?
the options bar allows yout o adjust any avalible settings tool accesible from the toolbox.

how do you undock and dock the palletes?
clickj and drag on a palletes tab to either dock or undock it

which menu item will give you access to photo shops preferences?

how do you reset your pallete arrangment back to its default settings?
select window/reset palette locations form the window.

chapter 3

what are the five key decisions involved in creating a new image?
image name, image width highet, image resulution, image mode, and image contents

why edit images in 24-bit colour depth if imideatly they will be 8-bit images on the interenet?
if you work in a bit-dept 8, many photoshop advanced features, such as using filters, resizing images, and re-colouring imaes are either not avalibe or do not operate effectivly.

why would you use the magnifing glass/navigation controls
they allow you to edit the small details in an image and zoom in on you image content.

what is a snapshot in the history palette?
snapshot is recoreded of the imae complette with all the modifications you have preformed on it.

if you delete a history sate with other states below it what happens to those states?
nothing, they remaiun in the history panel unaffected

Thursday, January 6, 2011

exam review

CCD's change light and color into electrical signals

ENG stands for Electric News Gathering

The viewfinder is a really tiny video monitor

Both monitors and

A TV Changes electrical signals into pictures

The electron gun is inside a video monitor

red blue and green are used to make video picture

The microphone picks up the sound and turns it into electrical signals

correct production sequence- treatment, script, storyboard, edit

the actual shooting of the video takes place during the production phase.

the treatment is written early in pre-production

Advertising sponsor is not on the production crew

who is most involved in post production? video editors

Editing happens in the phase called post-production

Music and sound effects are added during the post production phase of the video

The design brief and the treatment are prepared during the pre-production phase

the people who watch the program are the audience

The producer takes care of the budget for a video production

To edit video, the director and editor demodulate the selected scenes

A storyboard is a picture outline created during pre-production of the video

the first person to work on the video is the director

the camera operator puts the scene in the video by framing

long shot = establishing shot


WYSISYG Stands for- What you see is what you get

3 reasons to use Dreamweaver- Speed, convenience and organization

Dreamweaver offers a HTML editor as well

FTP Stands for- File Transfer Protocol

FTP capability in Dreamweaver is convenient because you don't have to use a separate FTP program

A "site" in dreamweaver is a folder that contains your web site and all it's files

A template allows you to create one master page the other pages are based on

Unless you tell it otherwise, dreamweaver rewrites the HTML

After you change your preferences, errors are presented in yellow

When you press F12 in dreamweaver it opens whatever browser is your default browser and previews the web page you are working on.